"Ba Ba Bup Bup Ba, Ba Ba Bup Bup Ba"
Now Back To Our Regularly Scheduled Program:
This is a amazing feat that I about to A-CAMP-POLE-LIQUORICE (Got to look into rehab for Kool-Aid). What is this you ask or ask of this feat should it be? Well, to keep you from going all Aristotle on John Q my man, it is that I have posting an item within two days of each (crowd reaction: Yeah). This is all that is not the haps in mey life. I done gone back to school or has school come back to me?????!!!!
KAY of OH?? Excuse that , that just the Sunny D talking. I mean OHHHHHHKAY, now let's get this show on the road. Today, I was planning on doing a BlackStar post with all these quirky insights and intriguing analysis of the album, but I'm going to, NO, NO, I'M Going to, No, No BACK UP LIKE JAMIE FOXX'S HAIRLINE, I GOING TO do that for another day (all that buildup up for nothing, hope that no cat has to say to any girl they get).
ANNNNNNIEWHOOOOOOOO, Today I going to flip like a Soap Opera television script and do another post on the crew that helped me formulate me e-mail address. Can anyone tell me who the subject of today's post will be. *People start whistling and fingers start tapping around the place* Wait, Nobody, Can't tell what the SUBJECT OF THIS 21st POST WILL BE? *Someone stands up (in Keith Sweat voice) Nobody, Baby* Thanks for the response, But I am a grown man in who likes to... wait what the hell is going on. Now that I have put that all those drinks that make you go crazzie, crazzie (R.I.P. O.D.B.), The answer to the riddle is bright a*s sweatshirts. I means source of the main (say what), I MEAN THE MAIN SOURCE.
Main Source was a three man crew that formed in 1989 (say that in Chuck D's voice, it sounds soo much bettar). The Crew consisted of two DJs (Sir Scratch and K-Cut) and a DJ/MC who should make the top ten list of any true hip hop fan's top producers of all time. The cat I speak soooo highly of is none other than The Large Professor. Now, I am not one to get into the backstory on individuals, but I will give just a little story here.
The Main Source (wait what's going on, WHO ARE YOU GUYS? Their Response: *YOU MUST PROTECT THE SECRET* My Response: The WHAAAAAT? Their Response: *Never Teach The WU-TANG SECRET*, My Response: Hold up that is for another post and I just talking about the Main Source, Their response: Oh, Well Continue on then and, by any chance ,do you know the address of any Wack MCs for we comin for their heads. My Response: I don't know where Soulja Boy (only time his name will appear on this blog), The cat who lives for half a dollar, The guy who F's with babies or any other of their comadres stay at. Their response: *Thanks for you help any way* and like that their off. Man, Those are some very EN-TER-REST-ING cats.) is a great group from back in day (love that term). I would continue on with their story, but let's keep that under wraps until that Album review comes (I am going to tell you to get the album, by the way, but you can still read the review Because I Got It Like That (two Jungle Brothers reference in a week, what are the evens (I mean the odds, yeah that what I mean) ).
Today I am going to come in like some overweight cat in a red suit and drop not one, not two, not three, but four gems on you cats today. First up to bat (see what I did their what the main source and the baseball bat reference and the awh.. forget about it) is the Looking Out The Front Door 12". Hmm.. where to being with this single. Oh yeah, it was released in October 1990, and hit the Hip Hop world like a SONIC BOOOM (Say it like Guile from Street Fighter). Extra P came correct on this 12" with deliver great and straight foreword cuts people could relate to. Who did not love "Looking At the Front Door". This song describes what every man ( and women hehehe) can relate to with hardship and turbulent times all relationships go through. The lyrics are good, but they won't blow you away. The beauty in this song and all of the Main Source's songs with the Extra P (will get into this matter in future post ) lie in the production. What a Hell of an introduction to the world behind the boards for the LP. The brilliant samples used in this really carry it through to emphasize the gloom of this song. Now, the B-Side of this record is what should be played every morning in schools across America (especially in today's world). "Watch Roger Do His thing" is uplifting song that speaks to the youth of the country. The production of the song is another great effort from the crew (love the use of xylophone sample).
The next gem I will deliver to you guys (yeah!!!) is the Just Hangin Out 12". On this A-side of this 12", The Large Professor discuss what a normal day in his life was (maybe the same way but with different cats). The lyrics and production really flows together nicely with Horns and a dope Sister Nancy sample (what a bam bam). The B-side of this record features a top five (yeah i said it) posse cut that features unknown MCs of time that went by the name Akinyele (The "Put It In Your Mouth" MC), Joe Fatal, and Nasty Nas (what ever happened to this cat? I guess we may never know). The song has dope verses from all MCs, but the villain kills it with lines like "When I was 12, I went to Hell for snuffing "God's Son"." The B-Side also features somewhat a remix to the song with a tone down of the original beat.
The next gem (coming in like a broken record) I will drop on your head is the Peace is Not The Word To Play 12". K-Cut actually produced this song, according to the Professor, and the he does not disappoint. Extra P more than handles his own with one, of the few, socially conscious tracks from their album. On here, he breaks down the hypocrisy of the word Peace and how so many can use it and turn around slap the next person face. I love the outro sequence of this track because it leaves to not only enjoy the song but think about the message of this track. The B-Side of this track is just instrumentals and a nice remix to the track.
The last gem (Crowd Response: FINALLY) may be my favorite song from the Main Source. Now think about the title of this post. Wonder what kind of nonsense John Q is on? Well, that's Kool-Aid to you, but that is besides the point. The post title should be familiar to hip hop heads with a recognizable ring to it. The post title comes from the intro into the song that fakes no funk. I am talking about about no other than the Fakin the Funk 12". This song from the beginning catches you with a unique sample of an song that sounds like beach boys sung it (Don't Hold Me to that). Then it continues on with crazy bass sample and The Large Professor decides to "Tag Team Back Again" with Neek the Exotic and give a heads up to all those out their Fakin the Funk. This Song should be played after every song on the radio (Crowd Response: Damn, John Q that's cold. My Response: No, That's Bold!!). The B-side of this record contains just a remix (featuring Neek the Exotic) and instrumental to original.
Whew!! Now If you are still awake after all that, then wake me up ( I Kid, I Kidd like J. Kidd dropping daily Triple-Diples???!!). On the real though, I decide that instead of doing separate post on these 12", just combine them and let people have fun for days to come. I want to big ups Time 4 Sum Aksion crew, since I got these 12"s from their site a year ago and decided that I would want for the world to share in the enjoyment of great music. Be on the look out for the Main Source Album drop.
Now, without Further ado, here is the
Main Source - Looking Out The Front Door
The video is a little funny with the crew wearing the oversized and bright shirts
Main Source - Just Hangin Out
Look closely and you will see a young Nasir Jones
Main Source - Peace Is Not The Word To Play
Girls in Video seem to be out place, but it's all Good
Main Source - Watch Roger Do His Thing
Hope Roger Can Still Do His Thing after all these years. Is that Guru in the beginning of the video? (someone answer my question for me)
Main Source - Fakin the Funk
Can't believe this was on the "White Man Can't Jump" Soundtrack. Actually, take it back, maybe it fit the movie and it's whole concept. Props for the O.D.B. and Method Man pic.
Now, Finally for my (please let someone read this post besides me and John Q, wait that be me or is it he who be we (hmmmm)??????) readers, here is the




Now Back To Our Regularly Scheduled Program:
This is a amazing feat that I about to A-CAMP-POLE-LIQUORICE (Got to look into rehab for Kool-Aid). What is this you ask or ask of this feat should it be? Well, to keep you from going all Aristotle on John Q my man, it is that I have posting an item within two days of each (crowd reaction: Yeah). This is all that is not the haps in mey life. I done gone back to school or has school come back to me?????!!!!
KAY of OH?? Excuse that , that just the Sunny D talking. I mean OHHHHHHKAY, now let's get this show on the road. Today, I was planning on doing a BlackStar post with all these quirky insights and intriguing analysis of the album, but I'm going to, NO, NO, I'M Going to, No, No BACK UP LIKE JAMIE FOXX'S HAIRLINE, I GOING TO do that for another day (all that buildup up for nothing, hope that no cat has to say to any girl they get).
ANNNNNNIEWHOOOOOOOO, Today I going to flip like a Soap Opera television script and do another post on the crew that helped me formulate me e-mail address. Can anyone tell me who the subject of today's post will be. *People start whistling and fingers start tapping around the place* Wait, Nobody, Can't tell what the SUBJECT OF THIS 21st POST WILL BE? *Someone stands up (in Keith Sweat voice) Nobody, Baby* Thanks for the response, But I am a grown man in who likes to... wait what the hell is going on. Now that I have put that all those drinks that make you go crazzie, crazzie (R.I.P. O.D.B.), The answer to the riddle is bright a*s sweatshirts. I means source of the main (say what), I MEAN THE MAIN SOURCE.

The Main Source (wait what's going on, WHO ARE YOU GUYS? Their Response: *YOU MUST PROTECT THE SECRET* My Response: The WHAAAAAT? Their Response: *Never Teach The WU-TANG SECRET*, My Response: Hold up that is for another post and I just talking about the Main Source, Their response: Oh, Well Continue on then and, by any chance ,do you know the address of any Wack MCs for we comin for their heads. My Response: I don't know where Soulja Boy (only time his name will appear on this blog), The cat who lives for half a dollar, The guy who F's with babies or any other of their comadres stay at. Their response: *Thanks for you help any way* and like that their off. Man, Those are some very EN-TER-REST-ING cats.) is a great group from back in day (love that term). I would continue on with their story, but let's keep that under wraps until that Album review comes (I am going to tell you to get the album, by the way, but you can still read the review Because I Got It Like That (two Jungle Brothers reference in a week, what are the evens (I mean the odds, yeah that what I mean) ).
Today I am going to come in like some overweight cat in a red suit and drop not one, not two, not three, but four gems on you cats today. First up to bat (see what I did their what the main source and the baseball bat reference and the awh.. forget about it) is the Looking Out The Front Door 12". Hmm.. where to being with this single. Oh yeah, it was released in October 1990, and hit the Hip Hop world like a SONIC BOOOM (Say it like Guile from Street Fighter). Extra P came correct on this 12" with deliver great and straight foreword cuts people could relate to. Who did not love "Looking At the Front Door". This song describes what every man ( and women hehehe) can relate to with hardship and turbulent times all relationships go through. The lyrics are good, but they won't blow you away. The beauty in this song and all of the Main Source's songs with the Extra P (will get into this matter in future post ) lie in the production. What a Hell of an introduction to the world behind the boards for the LP. The brilliant samples used in this really carry it through to emphasize the gloom of this song. Now, the B-Side of this record is what should be played every morning in schools across America (especially in today's world). "Watch Roger Do His thing" is uplifting song that speaks to the youth of the country. The production of the song is another great effort from the crew (love the use of xylophone sample).
The next gem I will deliver to you guys (yeah!!!) is the Just Hangin Out 12". On this A-side of this 12", The Large Professor discuss what a normal day in his life was (maybe the same way but with different cats). The lyrics and production really flows together nicely with Horns and a dope Sister Nancy sample (what a bam bam). The B-side of this record features a top five (yeah i said it) posse cut that features unknown MCs of time that went by the name Akinyele (The "Put It In Your Mouth" MC), Joe Fatal, and Nasty Nas (what ever happened to this cat? I guess we may never know). The song has dope verses from all MCs, but the villain kills it with lines like "When I was 12, I went to Hell for snuffing "God's Son"." The B-Side also features somewhat a remix to the song with a tone down of the original beat.
The next gem (coming in like a broken record) I will drop on your head is the Peace is Not The Word To Play 12". K-Cut actually produced this song, according to the Professor, and the he does not disappoint. Extra P more than handles his own with one, of the few, socially conscious tracks from their album. On here, he breaks down the hypocrisy of the word Peace and how so many can use it and turn around slap the next person face. I love the outro sequence of this track because it leaves to not only enjoy the song but think about the message of this track. The B-Side of this track is just instrumentals and a nice remix to the track.
The last gem (Crowd Response: FINALLY) may be my favorite song from the Main Source. Now think about the title of this post. Wonder what kind of nonsense John Q is on? Well, that's Kool-Aid to you, but that is besides the point. The post title should be familiar to hip hop heads with a recognizable ring to it. The post title comes from the intro into the song that fakes no funk. I am talking about about no other than the Fakin the Funk 12". This song from the beginning catches you with a unique sample of an song that sounds like beach boys sung it (Don't Hold Me to that). Then it continues on with crazy bass sample and The Large Professor decides to "Tag Team Back Again" with Neek the Exotic and give a heads up to all those out their Fakin the Funk. This Song should be played after every song on the radio (Crowd Response: Damn, John Q that's cold. My Response: No, That's Bold!!). The B-side of this record contains just a remix (featuring Neek the Exotic) and instrumental to original.
Whew!! Now If you are still awake after all that, then wake me up ( I Kid, I Kidd like J. Kidd dropping daily Triple-Diples???!!). On the real though, I decide that instead of doing separate post on these 12", just combine them and let people have fun for days to come. I want to big ups Time 4 Sum Aksion crew, since I got these 12"s from their site a year ago and decided that I would want for the world to share in the enjoyment of great music. Be on the look out for the Main Source Album drop.
Now, without Further ado, here is the
- Looking Out The Front Door 12"
- Just Hangin Out 12"
- Peace Is Not The Word Play 12"
- Fakin The Funk 12"
Main Source - Looking Out The Front Door
The video is a little funny with the crew wearing the oversized and bright shirts
Main Source - Just Hangin Out
Look closely and you will see a young Nasir Jones
Main Source - Peace Is Not The Word To Play
Girls in Video seem to be out place, but it's all Good
Main Source - Watch Roger Do His Thing
Hope Roger Can Still Do His Thing after all these years. Is that Guru in the beginning of the video? (someone answer my question for me)
Main Source - Fakin the Funk
Can't believe this was on the "White Man Can't Jump" Soundtrack. Actually, take it back, maybe it fit the movie and it's whole concept. Props for the O.D.B. and Method Man pic.
Now, Finally for my (please let someone read this post besides me and John Q, wait that be me or is it he who be we (hmmmm)??????) readers, here is the
- Looking Out The Front Door 12"
- Just Hangin Out 12"
- Peace Is Not The Word Play 12"
- Fakin The Funk 12"

1 | Looking At The Front Door (Vocal) (4:10) | |
2 | Looking At The Front Door (Instrumental) (4:11) | |
3 | Watch Roger Do His Thing (Vocal) (4:21) | |
4 | Watch Roger Do His Thing (Instrumental) (4:21) |

1 | Just Hangin' Out (Our Hood) (4:10) | |
2 | Just Hangin' Out (Your Hood - Remix) (4:13) | |
Remix - Anton Pukshansky , Main Source | ||
3 | Just Hangin' Out (Instrumental) (4:13) | |
Remix - Anton Pukshansky , Main Source | ||
4 | Live At The Barbeque (The Original Cookout) (4:35) | |
Rap [Featuring] - Akinyele , Joe Fatal , Nas | ||
5 | Live At The Barbeque (Refried Barbeque) (4:18) | |
Rap [Featuring] - Akinyele , Joe Fatal , Nas | ||
6 | Live At The Barbeque (Instrumental) (4:18) |

1 | Peace Is Not The Word To Play (Remix) (7:03) | |
2 | Peace Is Not The Word To Play (LP Version) (3:08) | |
3 | Peace Is Not The Word To Play (Video Remix) (3:21) | |
4 | Peace Is Not The Word To Play (Instrumental) (4:10) |

1 | Fakin' The Funk (Remix) (3:41) | |
2 | Fakin' The Funk (Instrumental) (3:41) | |
3 | Fakin' The Funk (Remix) (3:41) | |
4 | Fakin' The Funk (Instrumental) (3:41) |
204 Responses to ""Ba Ba Bup Bup Ba, Ba Ba Bup Bup Ba""
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